Friday, July 25, 2014

Final Chapter of the History Tour

What a week in Washington, DC! Wednesday we spent the entire day at Mount Vernon touring and really enjoying the new Education Center and Museum. It provides a nice overview of the Revolutionary War with some great interactive exhibits that the kids loved. (Snow falling on you while Washington crosses the Delaware is pretty cool!).

Cameras help engage them for our last leg and thank goodness for the bubble blankie!

Eliza enjoyed Mount Vernon's gardens as much as Mommy. 

Wednesday was also the night that Robert finally protested no more museums!! I wish he had used the skills he had learned about a peaceful protest but he chose a full-out war over the smell of the shampoo and my insistence that he shower. (I had no idea a 7-year-old could have such terrible B.O.! Did he acquire that skill at camp?) We are very lucky that we were not thrown out of the hotel or on the front page of the paper because the protest was LOUD (his and mine)!

A good night's sleep always refreshes children and mother. Thursday we headed to the Spy Museum...a Robert bucket list item since he was 3 years-old. The museum did not disappoint as we trained to be international spies, learned the history of espionage, and enjoyed seeing the many gadgets from James Bond movies. The kids had a ball and found plenty of gadgets to take home thanks to the awesome museum shop.

We finished our DC tour at the American History Museum to see the Star Spangled Banner and visit the American President's and First Ladies' exhibits. Even Adair cheered a little bit when she heard that was the last museum of our tour. (Eliza has been chanting for two days No More Museums!)

Lesson Learned: Krispy Kreme has been our secret weapon for stamina both for children, mother and grandmother. I don't think I can eat another hot donut EVER!

Change of Course - Due to the unpeaceful protests of the whole group I'm changing our itinerary and foregoing Asheville, NC. (Very sad to miss Biltmore Estates but feel this family needs some water, beaches and R/R).

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